Service FAQs

1. Although I have just added a new hotel it didn’t appear on my website. How to fix that?

A room needs to be made and assigned to the new hotel. Then, navigate to the Hotel Information to configure the hotel's rate, availability, and to input the minimum number of days a customer can book in the Book Before Number A Day field. Upgrade the database on the Sync Availability and Upgrade Data on the Theme Settings to complete the process.

2. On my website, the hotel price is incorrectly displayed. How can you solve that?

One of these rooms didn’t set the price correctly for the hotel. You should set your price first and update it

3. The price hotel always shows the average hotel price on my website. Can it be changed?

To configure it, go to the Theme Settings>Hotel Options> Price Show on Listing to change it

4. I set up the average hotel pricing manually but it does not display as intended on the hotel page. How to fix that?

You should turn off the Set auto calculation average price on the Hotel Information

6. I want to add custom code CSS to my website. How can I do that?

On the Admin Dashboard> Theme Settings> Styling Options> Custom CSS where you can add your custom code CSS

7. I want to deregister the purchase code. How can I do that?

Go to the Theme Settings> Product Registration to deregister the code or access our deregistration website. Link:

8. I want to add the icon to service attributes. Can I do that?

Yes, you can create new attributes and assign them to any service. Go to the Theme Settings> Attributes to add a new attribute.

9. I select the language on tour or activity service but the language of the website doesn’t change anything.

I guess, you misunderstand it. The purpose of language on tour or activity service is to categorize the tour guide who can speak their native language on the trip, not literally translate the language of the website. If you want to translate your website, let’s try the WPML plugin.

To create an option language for tour/activity, please navigate to Theme settings > Attributes > add a new attribute, Then create a category language

10. The review doesn’t show up. How to fix that?

Go to the Theme Settings> Service Options ( Hotel, Room, Tour, Activity, Car )> Review Options to turn it on

11. I want to create a review criteria similar to a website demo. Can I do that?

Yes, go to the Theme Settings> Service Options ( Hotel, Room, Tour, Activity, Car )> Review Criteria, and add new criteria to the field

12. I want to adjust the age restriction on tour/activity service. How can I do that?

Go to the Theme Settings > Tour/Activity Options > Age Restrictions. Enter the number of age restrictions in this field

13. I want to change the banner on the partner page. How to do it?

Go to the Theme Settings> Partner Options> Header Background to change it.

14. I uploaded the hotel logo but it didn’t display on my website. How to fix that?

You may change the hotel layout on Theme Settings>Hotel Options> Hotel Detail Layout.

15. Logo is too big for mobile. How to fix that?

You should change the size of the mobile logo before adding it to your website

16. I want to use woocommerce as a payment method but they are not working. How to fix that?

To set up Woocommerce as a payment method, please do the following steps:

  • On the Theme Settings> Booking Options> Woocommerce Options>Use Woocommerce checkout to activate this option

  • Go to the Page>Add New Page to create a new two-page and enter the name of checkout and cart page. The name may be “ Checkout Woo” and “ Cart Woo”, for instance

  • On the block editor of WordPress, insert the shortcode of [woocommerce_checkout] and [woocommerce_cart] to these pages

  • On the right side, change the template of the checkout page to Home Modern

  • Go to the Woocommerce> Settings>Advanced to choose the user's shopping cart and checkout page.

17. I decide to use the Woocommerce checkout, yet the form data is displayed twice. . How to fix that?

Choose the Home Modern page template instead of Checkout on the checkout page.

18. When I set up Woocommerce as a payment method, the user is redirected to the homepage after checking out. How to fix that?

If you haven't set it up, go to Woocommerce> Settings> Advanced to choose the Checkout and Cart page that will be shown to the user.

19. I can not find the payment setting of Woocommerce on Theme Settings. Where to find it?

Go to the Woocommerce>Settings>Payment to set up the payment method

20. I was going to make a reservation on my website but the Dashboard's Booking History section didn't contain my purchase. What happened?

The booking history is only shown to the admin account or the partner account of the person who made the reservation. On the other hand, the customer's booking information may be on the service booking section such as Hotel Booking, Tour Booking, Activity Booking, Car Booking or Rental Booking on Partner Dashboard

21. I reserved a car transfer, however, the automobile's information was not shown. May I see it?

No, you are not permitted to view the detail of car transfers on your website when booking a car transfer

22. Connection lost when posting

You may occasionally get the following notice whether viewing an existing post or creating a new one

Note: Can not get the available slot. Lost connect with your server.

A cookie that conflicts with our cache is the problem. The problem may be fixed by pushing to staging, which has a cache that is totally cleared. The error itself is a sign of a cookie fault.

To determine which one is generating the problem, kindly get in touch with your hosting company and manually remove each cache.

23. Custom search form for Tour Agency demo only

We provide the ability to create up fields for the tour search form (apply for search form style 2 only). Watch this video below to learn more about it

24. How can I edit the website’s layout in the Modern Layout Version?

Based on several customer requests to improve the UX/UI, we have created a fixed layout in the Modern Layout edition.

Therefore that it is no longer possible to change or edit the layout using the Modern Layout version. To customize the layout that we provide, you must request custom code.

25. How to upgrade data properly?

We've had various cases concerning upgrading data, such as “how can I Upgrade Data” , “Why I cannot run and complete the upgrade options” and so on…

We would like to show you how to upgrade data properly. Please follow these three easy steps:

Step 1: Log into your localhost admin account. Go to Theme Settings and then click General Options.

Step 2: Ensure that all of the Disable Theme Service options are "not marked" before clicking "save change" on the right side of the screen (2).

Step 3: Click on Upgrade Data under Theme Setting, and choose Update now. Wait a short while for the process to update and finish.

26. Install WooCommerce Got Critical Error

You can run into the problem "There Has Been a Critical Error on Your Website" after installing WooCommerce. Please follow these instructions to properly examine your issue.

1, Debug

Using FTP, access your source code, and add the following code to the bottom of your wp-config file which is right before “/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */”

Check the debug log under wp-content/debug.log after refreshing your website. Please go to the next step if it displays as follows.

Table ‘.wp_actionscheduler_actions’ doesn’t exist

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught RuntimeException: Error saving action: Error saving action: Incorrect table name ” in /classes/migration/ActionScheduler_DBStoreMigrator.php:44

According to debug log, the problem comes from the WooCommerce Action scheduler. It seems like new tables are not getting created in the Database.

2, Fix

2.1. Option 1 – Cannot access WPAdmin anymore

  • Step 1 – Disable WooCommerce Plugin: Log into FTP and change the name of this folder: wp-content/plugins/Woocommerce. For example, change to Woocommerce-old

  • Step 2 – Install Action-scheduler Plugin: Now you can access WPAdmin normally. Download, install, and active this plugin:

  • Step 3: Navigate to Tools > Action Scheduled and wait for the tool to fix the issue automatically (about 3-5 mins)

  • Step 4: After done, refresh your website. Now you can rename your Woocommerce folder again (from Woocommerce-old into Woocommerce) and reactive it to use normally

2.2. Option 2 – Still can access WPAdmin normally

Navigate to WooCommerce > Status > Scheduled Actions and wait for the tool to fix automatically

After done, refresh your website and turn off the debug log

Debugging in WordPress

27. Different between Modal Checkout and WooCommerce Checkout

In general, Modal checkout has more function but less payment gateway than WooCommerce checkout

Modal checkout is the default Traveler checkout method which has all functions. The disadvantage is not enough payment gateway. Modal Checkout contains the popular payment gateway only: Stripe, PayPal, 2Checkout,, PayUbiz, DPO, IPay88, Onepay, OnepayATM, PayUMoney, PayUlatam, Mercado Pago, Billplz.

WooCommerce checkout is the alternative checkout, which has less function but is able to integrate a payment gateway from WooCommerce system. With some unique payment gateway, customers will use WooCommerce Checkout only. Mostly, WooCommerce checkout contains the basic checkout function - not the advanced function. For example:

  • WooCommerce Checkout uses the WooCommerce email template (not the Traveler email template). Therefore, it does not provide partner-related email

  • Cannot cancel WooCommerce order when multi-item in cart

  • Cannot set a specific payment gateway for the specific item

Note: the checkout of membership package use Modal Checkout only

28. There is no service information shown on the search result page. How to solve that?

Although you previously added the service's information, it only shows up on the list item for that service and not on the search result page. Because you don't synchronize service availability.

Go to the Admin dashboard -> Theme setting -> Sync Availability -> Sync now

29. How can I translate the text?

You can use Poedit to translate a special text of theme:

The way to translate is:

– Translate on your desktop

– Upload translated .po/.mo files to live site.

– After updating a theme, copy translated .po/.mo files to the language folder of the new theme package and replace the existed files then update the .po file to get all new words.

– Translate new word then upload to live site again.

There are some points you need to care

– Install the theme on your localhost (your computer) and your site (live site) using the same theme package.

– Follow the document to set up and update the language file (.po) to get full available words.

– Translate the word normal as the document with the site on localhost.

– After translating, use FTP to move the translated file to your live site with the same folder and replace it.

==> now your live site has been translated.

– After each new theme version, there are always new words that can be translated, you update for both localhost and live site with the same theme package then come back to point 1 to translate again.

Hope it helps you!

30. What is submitting a form? How can I use the Bank Transfer function? (Payment Method needs to add to doc)

We do support two types of payment methods as Online payment and Offline payment

Payment Method

31. How to Fix the "Cart is Empty" Issue on Woocommerce when using WP Rocket?

When installing WP Rocket, some users have got problems with Woocommerce Booking emptying on their shopping cart.

Go to WP Rocket → Advanced Rules and enter the following value in the Never Cache Cookies field add woocommerce_items_in_cart. Add the URLs /cart/ /checkout/ to the Never Cache URL(s)

32. Why I Cannot Save Theme Setting?

You must increase the server's settings in accordance with our requirements in order for the theme to work efficiently, particularly the PHP Max Input Var on the Theme Setting.

Please visit the Theme Settings section and click the Save Changes button to change all settings after confirming that your server matches our requirements

33. Why does the room not display on hotel?

First, you should synchronize the availability data. Next, check the hotel's room to make sure it is the one that has been added to it.

34. How To Create Hotel Room From Partner Dashboard?
  • Go to the Partner Dashboard at the top right corner of your website

  • On the Hotel section, click Add New Room to create a new one

Basic Info tab:

  • Enter the Hotel Room Name

  • Choose the hotel’s room on the Select the hotel own this room

  • Write the description of room on the Content and Short Intro field

  • Enter the number of Rooms, Beds, Adults, Children, and Room Square field

  • Select the Layout of Rooms

  • Click Continue to save it

Facilities tab:

  • Add the Room Types and Room Facilities on these fields

  • Write the description of room facilities and click Continue

Photo tab:

  • Upload the Featured Image and Gallery of room

Price tab:

  • Allow customer can booking full day: Allow full-day reservation for customer

  • Allow price per person: Make the charge per individual

  • Enter the Pricing of room

  • Add the Discount by No.Days to room

  • Extra Price Unit to per days or fixed amount value

  • Choose the Discount Type of room

  • Enter the Discount Rating of room

  • Select the Deposit Options of room

  • Add the Extra Pricing of room

  • Allow Cancel options of room

  • Click Continue to finish it

Location tab:

  • Select the Hotel Room Location

  • Write the Real Hotel Room Address on this field

35. How To Disable WordPress Bar?
  • Remove the Admin Toolbar for the normal user on Theme Settings> General Options> Normal User Admin Bar, turn it off. For partner, go to Theme Settings> Partner Options> Partner Menubar, and turn it off.

  • Remove the Admin Toolbar with Code. If you would like to remove the toolbar with code, just drop the following snippet into your functions.php file:

add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false'); 
  • Using a Wordpress Plugin: Hide Admin Bar from Non-Admins Admin Bar Disabler

36. After installing the Elementor Demo, the front end of the website looks really messed up. How to fix that?

Go to the Elementor> Tools> General, click the Regenerate CSS & Data and Sync Library to fix it.

37. I installed WPBakery Page Builder but it was not showing to edit the page. What happened?

Go to the WPBakery Page Builder> Role Manager to find Adminstrator, choose Post Type to custom, and select the page that you want to edit with WPBakery

38. How to change currency symbol?

Go to Theme Settings > Booking Options > List of currencies to add new or edit the currency symbol

39. I used an email template and put in a shortcode email but it did not work.

If you use the email shortcode in the right place, it will always work. For example, you can't get the information about the booking day to show it in the email notification when the customer comes to

40. How to change font in Wordpress

Go to the Theme Settings> Styling Options> Typography, set up the font you want on Google Fonts and Typography, Google Fonts . Remember that the font is identical on both settings.

41. why after creating a tour/activity appears the price incorrectly displayed? How to edit it?

The displayed price of tour/activity is the lowest price for the whole time, that is, 1 day in a certain month is set to 0. Please edit Tour > Tour settings > Availability > Bulk edit then you update the price

Notice: That you should update the last 3 years, but should not update 3 years at once, otherwise the website will be down

42. Got 404 when access Hotel/Tour/Activity.. page

Navigate to Settings > Permalink - Common Settings and set it to Post name. Then Save Changes

43. I want to customize the CSS of the Traveler theme on the Child-theme, how to include CSS in Child-theme?

You need to add the function below in the Child-theme

function chiltheme_enqueue_styles() {
    $parent_style = 'traveler';
    wp_enqueue_style( $parent_style, get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    wp_enqueue_style( 'child-style',
        get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/style.css',
        array( $parent_style ),
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'chiltheme_enqueue_styles' );
44. How to include language in Child-theme?

You need to add the function below in the Child-theme

function child_theme_slug_setup() {
    load_theme_textdomain( 'traveler', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
    load_child_theme_textdomain( 'traveler-childtheme', get_stylesheet_directory() . '/languages' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'child_theme_slug_setup' );
45. Why guest can still book even if the allow guest booking turned of?

If you using checkout via Woocommerce and to disable guest checkout, plesase go to WooCommerce > Settings and select the Accounts & Privacy tab. Uncheck “Allow customers to place orders without an account.”

Note that the other Guest Checkout and Account Creation settings are optional.

Last updated