Booking Options

1. Booking options

  • Change the price display when the quantity of booking order change on Show Calculated Ajax Price on Single Service Pages

  • Show the Captcha when customers are booking your services

Notice: If the Captcha does not work, copy the Site Key and Secret Key to the Contact on the left sidebar, go to the Integration, find a reCaptcha and paste these keys to fix it.

  • Add more of the Accepted Card show on the Footer

  • Add more currency is accepted on the List of Currency

For currency, kindly set exchange rate = 1 with Primary currency and exchange rate # 1 with other currency

For example, USD is primary currency. So exchange rate of USD is 1 and exchange rate of other currency will be #1

  • Select the Primary Currency for the checkout process

  • Convert any currency into a dollar when booking by Paypal on Currency Conversion

  • Allow the Guest Booking that is the mode to allow the user don’t need to log in to make a reservation

Notice: When you disable this option, the two options below may not be displayed

  • Enable the Create Account Option on the checkout page

  • Enable the Always create new account after checkout option if the customer is going to make a reservation

2. Woocommerce Options

Use the WooCommerce Checkout on the checkout page only

Enable "Multi item in cart", the cancel function in the User Dashboard will not work. Only Admin can cancel the whole order in Woocommerce > Order.

Because each item has its own cancel setting, some can cancel and others can’t. When disable "Multi item in cart", the customer can cancel in the user dashboard normally.

Notice: If your site accepts only a single currency for payment. Kindly follow the instruction to set up the currency settings properly

Single Currency: Set up the currency on Theme Settings > Booking Options firstly and Woocommerce> Setting> General> Currency for the next step

Multi-Currency: Install WOOC - Woocommerce Currency Switcher Plugin. Set up the currency on Theme Settings > Booking Options firstly and Woocommerce> Setting> General> Currency for the next step

The exchange rate in Theme Setting and WOOC - Woocommerce Currency Switcher Plugin must be exactly the same.

For example, EUR = 1 and USD = 1.15 in both Theme Settings and Plugin Setting

3. Tax Options

  • Enable the Tax option to calculate the sales tax For

  • Price Included Tax option, turn on this option to be displayed on the checkout page, otherwise, it would not display on the page.

  • Calculate the Tax Value by the percentage or fixed rate amount of tax

4. Booking fee

  • Enable the Booking Fee option to calculate the fee for the booking

  • Select the Fee Types to the percentage or fixed rate amount fee

  • Enter the Fee Amount on this field

Last updated