Partner Options

1. General Options

  • Allow the user who joins the partner program on the User Registration Options

  • Change the Header Background of the partner page

  • Partner could be automatically approved by admin on the Automatic Approval

  • For the Allowed Custom Sort Link for Partner Page, converted a long URL to a short URL in a partner page

  • The Show Email Contact Info displayed the email of an author who post their service on the single service page

  • Give the partner authority to register service on the Enable Partner Feature

  • The Partner’s Post must be approved by Admin, activate this option if the admin needs to approve the post of the partner

  • Select the Partner Menubar to be displayed on the partner dashboard

  • Enter the Commission of partner which gives the admin the percentage of every new sale they make

  • Choose the Partner can set be a feature as an item on the partner page

  • Choose the Partner can set the external link for service on the service page

  • Show the Avatar User in list service on the partner page

  • Show the Contact Info of the Partner on the partner page

2. Membership

  • Enable Membership Program on your website

  • Choose the Member Package Layout to display on the membership page

  • Member Package Page: Select the page to show the member page for partners to register. Function: Member Package

  • Member Checkout Page: Select the page to show the partner who enters their information and billing. Function: Member Package Checkout Page

  • Member Checkout Success Page: Select the page to show the partner successfully register the membership. Function: Member Checkout Success Page

3. Layout dashboard

  • Show the sections for the partner dashboard on the Configuration Partner Profile Info

  • Show total Earnings displayed the total amount of money the partner earned on your site for the period of time

  • Show each service earning, displayed the total amount of money the partner earned by each service

  • Show chart info, which is the visual graph regarding the earnings

  • Show Booking History, displayed the history of booking on the partner dashboard

3. Withdrawal Options

  • Enable the Allow request Withdrawal option, which is partner is allowed to withdraw money

  • Enter the Minimum Value Request when Withdraw on the parner dashboard

  • Enter the date of withdrawal monthly on the Date of Successful Payment in Current Month.

4. Inbox Options

  • Enable the Allow request inbox option to allow the customer make a request to partner

  • Enable the Allow send to partner option to allow the partner receiving email when there is a new message

  • Enable the Allow send to buyer option to allow the customer receiving email when there is a new message

Last updated