Add New Hotel

1. Location

  • Select one or more locations for your hotel in Hotel Location

  • Enter the email address of the hotel in Hotel Address field

  • Set Location on map to track down on Google Map

Latitude: Enter the latitude of this location

Longitude: Enter the latitude of this location Zoom

Level: Enter the level of zoom Map

Style: Keep it blank

  • Add more Properties nearby the hotel

2. Hotel Detail

  • Choose to Set hotel as a feature on your website

On - to set this hotel as feature

Off- not to set this as feature

By default, set this location as a feature to Off

  • Upload the Hotel Logo to appear on your website

  • Select the layout of hotel to show in Hotel Single Layout.

Notice: In the hotel single layout list, the layout single 1 and 2 will not appear with the hotel logo on a single hotel page but the other layout single 3, 4, and 5 still work properly

  • Upload more images to show on Hotel Gallery

  • Add the Youtube video of this hotel on Hotel Video

  • Set rating of the hotel on Hotel Rating Star

3. Contact Information

  • Choose the Contact Info to set a contact in hotel detail or agent detail

  • Enter Hotel Email to receive notifications when getting booking orders from a customer

  • Enter Hotel Website to this field

  • Enter Hotel Phone Number

  • Enter Hotel Fax

4. Price

  • Set Auto Calculation Average Price of this hotel

On - Set automatically the average price of hotel

Off- Input the price manually

  • Enter the Average Price of this hotel

5. Check-in/out time

  • Set the Allowed full day booking of this hotel

On - Booking the room with full-day

Off- Booking the room for half a day

  • Enter the Time for check-in at the hotel

  • Enter the Time for check-out at hotel

6. Other Options

  • For Book before the number of a day, choose the number of days that customers book your hotel before check-in time.

  • Set Minimum number of days to book before arriving

7. Hotel Policy

Add the policy of the hotel between the guest and the hotel

8. Inventory

Which is the reservation chart of all rooms, you can manage and control the availability of each room on one table.

9. Hotel Theme

Choose the Hotel Theme to categorize the theme of a hotel on the list

10. Hotel Facilities

Select the facilities of the hotel on your website

Set the Featured Image which is displayed on your website

12. Add a new title and description to the classic editor.

13. When complete, click Publish

Last updated