Add New Car

1. Location

  • Select the location of the rental property in Car Location

  • Enter the place of rental property in Address

  • Set Location on map to track down on Google Map

Latitude: Enter the latitude of this tour

Longitude: Enter the latitude of this tour

Zoom Level: Enter the level of zoom

Map Style: Keep it blank

  • Add more Properties near by the rental property

  • Enable the Street View Mode on this location

2. Car detail

  • Choose to Set rental as a feature on your website

On - to set this activity as a feature

Off- not to set this activity as a feature

By default, set this activity as a feature to Off

  • Choose the Booking Option to Instant Booking by default

  • Enter the No. Passengers in a car

  • Select the Auto Transmission car by switching the buttons.

  • Enter the number of Baggage in a car

  • Enter the No. Door car

  • Choose Free Cancellation which has no cancellation fee before pick up

  • Select the Pay at Pick-up to a renter who wants to pay a fee after pick up

  • Select the Unlimited Mileage to a renter who is allowed to drive anywhere without being charged extra for it

  • Set up the Shuttle to Car means the renter takes the shuttle to the rental car center

  • Select the Car Single Layout on your website

  • Upload the image of the car on Gallery

  • Create an Equipment Car, the car accessories would make your driving smoothly and seamless

3. Contact Information

  • Choose the Contact Info that will be shown on the tour page

  • Enter the Email Address to make a contact with the tour guide

  • Enter the Website for this tour

  • Enter the Phone Number to call

  • Enter the Fax number

4. Price Setting

  • Select the Car Type to Normal options which means the customer rents a car for a day, while Car Transfer options refer to the transfer of a vehicle from one place to another.

  • Enter the Price of the rental car

  • Add the Journey of a rental car if you set the Car Type to Car Transfer options earlier.

  • Choose the Custom Price to adjust the price by the number of hours in a day or by date generally

  • Set up the Price by the number of days/hours to a rental car

  • Enter the Discount value of a rental car when the sale promotion is started

  • Set the Sale Schedule ahead of time that will make your sale easier

  • Enter the Number of car for rent for this car

  • Select the Deposit Options of the car

Disallow Deposit- Not Allowing to deposit which is money paid

Deposit by percentage - Allow to deposit by percentage

5. Car Options

  • For Allow External booking, select the option to allow or not the external link to book the rental property

On - Allow inserting the external link for booking a rental property

Off- Not Allowing to insert the external link for booking a rental property

6. Cancel Booking

  • For Allow External booking, select the option to allow or not the external link for a rental car

On - Allow to insert the external link for a rental car

Off- Not Allowing to insert the external link for a rental car

7. Payment Methods

Which allows customers to transfer money from a bank account

Notice: If you want to add multiple payment gateways on the payment method options, go to Theme Settings > Extensions. On the Plugin tabs, pick one of these plugins which is support ShineTheme up, click Install Now and Activate it. These payment gateways will appear on the Payment Method after installing it.

8. On the right side

  • Select the Car Category on the list

  • Select the Pickup Feature on the list

  • Select the Car Feature on the list

  • Choose the Brand of car

  • Set the Featured Image which is displayed on your website

  • Add a new title and description to the classic editor.

  • When complete, click Publish

Last updated