Add New Rental

1. Location

  • Select the location of the rental property in Rental Location

  • Enter the place of rental property in Real rental address

  • Set Location on map to track down on Google Map

Latitude: Enter the latitude of this tour

Longitude: Enter the latitude of this tour

Zoom Level: Enter the level of zoom

Map Style: Keep it blank

  • Add more Properties near by the rental property

  • Enable the Street View Mode on this location

  • From the Distance, find any service that is near your rental location.

2. Rental Information

  • Choose to Set rental as a feature on your website

On - to set this activity as a feature

Off- not to set this activity as a feature

By default, set this activity as a feature to Off

  • Choose the Booking Option to Instant Booking by default

  • Enter the Numbers of the available rental property.

  • Set the Max Adults on the rental property

  • Set the Max Children on the rental property

  • Enter the No. Bed on the rental property

  • Enter the No. Bath on the real property

  • Enter the number of Size room

  • Select the Rental Single Layout on your website

  • Upload the image of the rental on Gallery

  • Put the Rental Video which is displayed on the website

  • Choose the Disable “Adult Name Required “

On - Not Allowing the Adult Name Required

Off- Allow the Adult Name Required

  • Choose the Disable “Children Name Required

On - Not allowing the Children Name Required

Off- Allow the Children Name Required

3. Contact Information

  • Choose the Contact Info that will be shown on the tour page

  • Enter the Agent email to make a contact with the tour guide

  • Enter the Agent Website for this tour

  • Enter the Agent Phone to call

  • Enter the Agent fax number to fax

4. Rental Price

  • Enter the price of the rental per night on Pricing

  • Add a discount period of the rental property on Discount by number of days

  • Select the Discount type of number of days to percentage or fixed amount value

  • Create the additional service cost of a room on Extra Pricing

  • Choose the Extra Pricing Unit to calculate it by day or fixed amount value

  • Choose the Discount Type to percentage or fixed amount value for sale promotion

  • Set up the Sale Schedule for this rental

On - Enable the discounted price of the rental to set up the start time and end time of a day

Off- Disable the discounted price of the rental

  • Select the option of deposits on Deposit Options

Disallow Deposit- Not Allowing to deposit which is money paid

Deposit by percentage - Allow depositing the room by percentage

5. Availability

  • Select the date of the calendar to change the room price on the Rental Calendar

  • When complete, click Update to finish

Notice: To activate the Group Day option, go to the Rentals Option > Allow Group Day. This option is a long-term rental property that the landlord rents out for a long time period. The price of Group Day is calculated by the number of days rented.

6. Rental Options

  • For Book before the number of a day, choose the number of days that customers book your rental before check-in time.

  • Minimum stay: Set the minimum number of days to stay during the rental period

  • For Allow External booking, select the option to allow or not the external link to book the rental property

On - Allow inserting the external link for booking a rental property

Off- Not Allowing to insert the external link for booking a rental property

  • For Allow Group Day options, a long-term rental may be used for vacations or work relocation

Notice: Group Day option will appear on the Availability tab

7. Cancel Booking

  • Activate the option for customers to choose from cancellation orders.

  • Enter the Number of days before the Arrival for the cancel reservation of a room

  • Set the Cancellation Fee, the percentage of money that the customer would be deducted if they cancel a reservation of a room

8. Ical URL

Which is to import events from your calendar on Macs

9. Payment Methods

Which allows customers to transfer money from a bank account

Notice: If you want to add multiple payment gateways on the payment method options, go to Theme Settings > Extensions. On the Plugin tabs, pick one of these plugins which is support ShineTheme up, click Install Now and Activate it. These payment gateways will appear on the Payment Method after installing it.

10. On the right side

  • Select the Amenities on the list

  • Select the Suitability on the list

  • On the Rental Types add the type of rental to the selected rental

  • Set the Featured Image which is displayed on your website

  • Add a new title and description to the classic editor.

  • When complete, click Publish

Last updated