Email Template Shortcode

1. Customer Information


First Name


Last Name






Phone Number












Custom Field (ST Form Build)


For example, name of custom field is "st_text" . So use this shortcode: [st_email_booking_custom_field field_name = "st_text"]

2. Item Booking Information


Post type name


Show post-type name



Display the Order ID

Thumbnail Image


Display the product’s thumbnail image (if have)



Display the booking date

Special Requirement


Display the information of the ‘Special Requirements’ when booking

Payment Method


Display the booking method

Item Name


Display item name of service

Item Link


Display the item title with a link under

Item Number


Display number of items when booking.

Check in

[st_email_booking_check_in] [st_check_in_out_title]

  1. Display check in, check out with Hotel and Rental

  2. Display Pick-up Date and Drop-off Date with Car

  3. Display Departure date and Return date with Tour and Activity

Check out

[st_email_booking_check_out] [st_check_in_out_value]

Start Name


Display Start Time with Tour

Item Price


Display item price (not included Tour and Activity)

Item Origin Price


Display original price of the item (not included custom price, sale price and tax)

Item Sale Price


Display the sale price.

Item Tax Price


Display the price with tax

Item Deposit Price


Display the deposit require

Item Total Price


Display the total price (included sale price and tax)

Item Tax Percent


Display the percentage of tax

Item Address


Display the address

Item Website


Display the website

Item Email


Display the email

Item Phone


Display the phone

Item Fax


Display the fax

Booking Status


Display the booking status

Booking Payment Method


Display the booking payment method

Booking Guest Name


Display the booking guest name.



Display the coupon

3. Use for Hotel


Room Name


Display the room name of hotel. @param ‘title’ ‘string’.

Extra Item


Display all service/facillities inside a room.

Extra Price


Display total price of service in room.

4. Use for Car


Car Time


Display Pick up and Drop off time.

Car Pick up from


Display Pick up from.

Car Drop off to


Car Drop off to

Car Driver Information


Car Driver Informations

Car Equipments


Display equipment list in a car. @param ‘tag’ ‘string’.@param ‘title’ ‘string’.

Car Equipments Price


Display total price of equipment in car. @param ‘title’ ‘string’.

Car Transfer Information


Arrival Date, Departure Date, Passengers, Estimated distance

5. Use for Tour and Activity


Adult Information


Display info of adult (number and price) @param ‘title’ ‘string’.

Children Information


Display info of adult (number and price) @param ‘title’ ‘string’.

Infant Information


Display info of infant (number and price) @param ‘title’ ‘string’.

6. Use for Confirming Email

Confirm Link: [st_email_confirm_link]

7. Use for Approved Email


Account name


Returns the name of the accounts was approved

Post type


Returns type is type approved post (Hotel, Rental, Car, …)

Item name


Returns the name of the item has been approved

Item link


Returns link to item

Approval date


Returns the approved date

8. Membership


Partner’s Name


Returns the name of the partner

Partner’s Email


Returns email of the partner

Partner’s Phone


Returns phone number of the partner

Package Name


Returns name of the package

Package Price


Returns price of the package

Package Commission


Returns commission of the package

Package Time


Returns time available of the package

Package Item Upload


Returns number of item uploaded of the package

Package Item Set Featured


Returns number of item set featured of the package

Package Description


Returns description of the package

9. Invoice

Link Download Invoice [st_email_booking_url_download_invoice]

Last updated